Profilwerkstatt GmbH
Rheinstraße 99.3
64295 Darmstadt
Tel. 06151 3600400
Fax 061513600679

Client ImmobilienScout24
Year 2014
Sector real estate
Tags Microsite
Responsive Webdesign
Content Strategy

Mountain Climbing Pleasure: An Award for Germany’s Real Estate Professionals

ImmobilienScout24 was looking for the peak performers of Germany’s real estate agencies. Together with Profilwerkstatt they created a format which exceeded all expectations. Expecting just 40 they received 250 applications, thanks to agile, cross departmental teams with the right amount of flexibility.

250 applications, eight nominations, and three happy winners: ImmobilienScout24 presented its “Marken Award der Immobilienbranche“ (“Brand award of the real estate sector“) for the first time on 13 October 2014. Germany’s leading real estate portal awarded real estate professionals who have ventured onto new and promising paths in their brand communication. Because successful brands are the cornerstone of sustainable business success. This is a message befitting the marketing strategy of any ImmobilienScout24 consultant and companion of real estate professionals.


For the brand award almost all departments of the house of content experts worked together: strategy and consulting teams, digital experts, art directors, editors, layout designers and video experts. Starting with the conception of the award, continuing with cross-medial kick off communication in print and web, a responsive microsite and animated video trailer, and culminating in the creation of the trophies for the winners, Profilwerkstatt was responsible for all aspects of the brand award.

The continuing quality control was important to us – even with tight schedules. The application form had to go through a usability test with real applicants and was optimized accordingly. The great resonance of the real estate agents proved to be a success and a challenge simultaneously. From the first idea to its conclusion the project continued to grow which necessitated flexible project management, good teamwork, and close consultation with the client.

One thing is clear: Profilwerkstatt, working together with ImmobilienScout24, was able to establish a new award among real estate professionals.

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Your contact person
You want to meet the content experts?
Give us a call!
Martina Keller
Tel. 06151 3600400