Profilwerkstatt GmbH
Rheinstraße 99.3
64295 Darmstadt
Tel. 06151 3600400
Fax 061513600679

Client ImmobilienScout24
Year since 2013
Sector Real estate
Tags Customer magazine
Magazine App

Brilliant Performance: A Magazine for Real Estate Professionals

Real estate is analog. The search for it has become digital. ImmobilienScout24, the real estate portal with the most visits in Germany, still sends a print magazine to its clients – real estate professionals and agents. An upside-down world? Not quite.

FREIRAUM, the high quality customer magazine of Immobilien Scout GmbH, delivers real estate agents, developers, and superintendents stories from the real estate market. It lays out new trends and gives them the tools that will help them improve their marketing, image building, and acquisition. And all this on paper – for good reason.

Because: relevance is the key to attention! ImmobilienScout24 and Profilwerkstatt were convinced of this from the very start. Magazines are read leisurely, often times in the relaxing atmosphere of your own living room. The reading time is actually quite a bit above their digital counterparts. And when you take your time you will deal with a topic more extensively and really delve into the subject.

That the layout and the content of the magazine are appealing and make you crave for more. FREIRAUM has achieved this – with attention grabbing covers, atmospheric pictures, and lots of variety within in the magazine. This magazine proves: the numbers and facts ImmobilienScout24 collects about the German real estate sector and the expertise of the brand leader provide storytelling material aplenty. On top of this it will be read willingly as reader surveys have shown.

According to this credo Profilwerkstatt in cooperation with Immobilienscout24 developed this magazine – but we didn’t just have an analog solution. Together with the print issue FREIRAUM is also published in an app, enhanced with videos, audio and interactive graphics. And the moral of this story: print and digital aren’t contradictory but prove to be complimentary.

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Martina Keller
Tel. 06151 3600400